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Computer Networks Practice Test 235

User Datagram Protocol Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 235

The User Datagram Protocol Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (User Datagram Protocol Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 23-235 to solve Computer Networks Practice Tests. Learn Process to Process Delivery UDP, TCP and SCTP MCQ Questions PDF, User Datagram Protocol Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn computing courses online. The User Datagram Protocol Trivia App Download: Free educational app for user datagram protocol, standard ethernet, ipv4 connectivity, ipv6 test, snmp protocol test prep for cheapest online computer science degree.

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User Datagram Protocol Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 235

MCQ 1171:

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) perform very limited service of

  1. error detecting
  2. error controlling
  3. error checking
  4. error removing
MCQ 1172:

Round trip time and time required to send the jam sequence is called the

  1. frame slots
  2. propagation time
  3. maximum length
  4. slot time
MCQ 1173:

In the Internet Protocol Version (IPv4), the value 0100 of the type of service bits are used to represent the

  1. maximize reliability
  2. minimize delay
  3. maximize throughput
  4. minimize cost
MCQ 1174:

In Internet Protocol Version (IPv6), the format and the length of the Internet Protocol (IP) address were changed along with the

  1. frame format
  2. packet alignment
  3. frame bits
  4. packet format
MCQ 1175:

The real-time traffic needs the support of

  1. multicasting
  2. translation
  3. integration
  4. security

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

User Datagram Protocol Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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User Datagram Protocol App (Android & iOS)

User Datagram Protocol App (Android & iOS)

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