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Backup Utilities Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 96

The Backup Utilities MCQ with Answers PDF (Backup Utilities Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 14-96 to prepare Computer Basics Practice Tests. Learn Operating Systems Test PDF, Backup Utilities Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for bachelor's degree in computer science. The Backup Utilities MCQ App Download: Free certification app for microcomputer processor, system software, backup utilities test prep to learn online school courses.

The MCQ Quiz: Backup of the source data can be created; "Backup Utilities" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: On another device; On the same device; At some other location; All of these; for bachelor's degree in computer science. Practice Operating Systems Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for computer and information science.

Backup Utilities MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 96

MCQ 476:

Backup of the source data can be created

  1. on the same device
  2. on another device
  3. at some other location
  4. all of these
MCQ 477:

In computers, operating system and utility programs are examples of

  1. system software
  2. device drivers
  3. application software
  4. customized software
MCQ 478:

In 8085 microprocessor, the RST6 instruction transfer program execution to following location

  1. 0030H
  2. 0024H
  3. 0048H
  4. 0060H
MCQ 479:

UART chip controls the computer port which is

  1. parallel
  2. serial
  3. USB
  4. Ethernet
MCQ 480:

You are installing Windows XP professional on a system, the first step in the installation process is

  1. read and accept the licensing agreement
  2. partition and format the hard drive
  3. start the computer from CD
  4. select a partition on hard drive for installation

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Backup Utilities Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Backup Utilities App (Android & iOS)

Backup Utilities App (Android & iOS)

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