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Word Processing Basics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 288

The Word Processing Basics MCQ with Answers PDF (Word Processing Basics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 18-288 to prepare Computer Basics Practice Tests. Learn Word Processing Test PDF, Word Processing Basics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for software engineering online courses. The Word Processing Basics MCQ App Download: Free certification app for introduction to information technology, computer viruses, operating system basics, types of registers in computer, word processing basics test prep to study distance learning courses.

The MCQ: In a computer, pressing the Ins or Insert key will; "Word Processing Basics" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Toggle between undo and redo; Insert a character into a document; Toggle between insertion and over type mode; To insert image in document; for software engineering online courses. Practice Word Processing Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for software engineering online courses.

Word Processing Basics MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 288

MCQ 1436:

In a computer, pressing the Ins or Insert key will

  1. insert a character into a document
  2. toggle between undo and redo
  3. toggle between insertion and over type mode
  4. to insert image in document
MCQ 1437:

In register addressing mode operands are looked in

  1. cache
  2. secondary storage
  3. CPU
  4. primary memory
MCQ 1438:

Process is

  1. program in high level language kept on disk
  2. contents of main memory
  3. a program in execution
  4. a job in secondary memory
MCQ 1439:

In a computer, Torjan Horse is a/an

  1. anti-virus
  2. virus
  3. software
  4. hardware
MCQ 1440:

Form of energy which is used by information technology is

  1. electric
  2. electromagnetic
  3. both A and B
  4. none of these

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