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Computer Basics Practice Test 196

Viruses and Anti-virus Issues Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 196

The Viruses and Anti-virus Issues MCQ with Answers PDF (Viruses and Anti-virus Issues Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-196 to prepare Computer Basics Practice Tests. Learn Data Protection and Copyrights Test PDF, Viruses and Anti-virus Issues Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for top computer science schools. The Viruses and Anti-virus Issues MCQ App Download: Free certification app for disk operating system (dos), input devices of computer, spreadsheet programs basics, optical input devices, viruses and anti-virus issues test prep to study online tutor courses.

The MCQ: Which of the following is not a cause of computer virus; "Viruses and Anti-virus Issues" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Network; E-mail; Pirated software; Logic bomb; for top computer science schools. Practice Data Protection and Copyrights Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online computer science and engineering.

Viruses and Anti-virus Issues MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 196

MCQ 976:

Which of the following is not a cause of computer virus?

  1. e-mail
  2. network
  3. pirated software
  4. logic bomb
MCQ 977:

When computer mouse moves over the table surface, the trackball is

  1. stationary
  2. difficult to move
  3. dragged
  4. moved in small stems
MCQ 978:

Default name of first sheet in any computer workbook is

  1. one
  2. sheet 1
  3. sheet one
  4. first sheet
MCQ 979:

Hardware components which are used by user to enter data and instructions into the computer are termed as

  1. input devices
  2. output devices
  3. printer
  4. scanner
MCQ 980:

Name given to something that the computer can automatically use unless you tell it otherwise is

  1. a specification
  2. a wildcard
  3. a default
  4. a rule

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

Viruses and Anti-virus Issues Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Viruses and Anti-virus Issues App (Android & iOS)

Viruses and Anti-virus Issues App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (iOS & Android)

Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

Operating Systems App (Android & iOS)

Operating Systems App (iOS & Android)