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Computer Basics Practice Test 128

Computer Software and Human Life Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 128

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Computer Software and Human Life MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 128

MCQ 636:

Meaning of magic glue used for inter working advanced technology is

  1. software
  2. hardware
  3. operating system
  4. motherboard
MCQ 637:

In Windows XP, disk property which can't view with disk management is

  1. volume label
  2. whether the drive should be indexed
  3. used and available disk space
  4. disk status
MCQ 638:

In computer, URL means

  1. address of the resource on the web
  2. term used to describe website
  3. term used to get online program
  4. term used to connect computers
MCQ 639:

Which of the following is not guided as computer communication media?

  1. twisted pair cables
  2. fiber optic cables
  3. coaxial cables
  4. satellite
MCQ 640:

An organization that needs to produce hundreds or thousands of pages a day, the most logical choice is

  1. dot-matrix
  2. laser
  3. thermal wax
  4. inkjet

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

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