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String Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 20

The Book String MCQs, String Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download, Free Ch. 10-20 to learn c sharp online courses. Solve String Manipulation Quiz Answers PDF, string Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The String MCQ Quiz App Download: Free educational app for enumerations, type conversion, arrays, functions, string test prep for programming certifications.

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String Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 20

MCQ 96: Operator used for concatenation of two or more strings is

  1. +
  2. +='
  3. &
  4. ||

MCQ 97: Functions in C# are a means of providing blocks of code that can

  1. be executed at any point in the an application
  2. decrease the efficiency of the compiler
  3. not be resued
  4. have some parameters

MCQ 98: Choose the correct output for the given code
static void Main() { int[] nums = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; Console.Write("Original order: "); foreach(int i in nums) Console.Write(i + " "); Array.Reverse(nums); Console.Write("Reversed order: "); foreach(int i in nums) Console.Write(i + " "); Console.WriteLine(); }

  1. run time error
  2. 5,4,3,2,1
  3. compile time error
  4. 1,2,3,4,5

MCQ 99: Choose the correct statement

  1. Information is never lost during narrowing conversions.
  2. The CInteger() function can be used to convert a Single to an Integer.
  3. Widening conversions take place automatically.
  4. Assigning an Integer to an Object type is known as Unboxing.

MCQ 100: The complex data types used in C# are

  1. Enum
  2. Struct
  3. Arrays
  4. All of the above

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