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Virtual Function in C++ MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Virtual Function in C++ Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Virtual Function in C++ MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice C++ Tests. Learn Composition and Inheritance Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Virtual Function in C++ quiz answers PDF to study online classes courses. The Virtual Function in C++ MCQ App Download: Free learning app for composition and inheritance, virtual functions test prep for software engineering online courses.

The MCQ: A class that have no pure virtual member functions, are called; "Virtual Function in C++" App Download (Free) with answers: Polymorphic class; Concrete class; Base class; Abstract class; to study online classes courses. Practice Virtual Function in C++ Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for software engineering online courses.

Virtual Function in C++ MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Polymorphism means

  1. Many forms
  2. Only one form
  3. Hiding data
  4. None of them
MCQ 2:

A class that have no pure virtual member functions, are called

  1. Polymorphic class
  2. Concrete class
  3. Base class
  4. Abstract class
MCQ 3:

In object oriented programming there are two distinct views, one is consumer and second is manufacturer view, that manufacturer's action are called

  1. Functions
  2. Operations
  3. Methods
  4. None of them
MCQ 4:

A virtual member function is a member function that can

  1. Be overridden by a subclass
  2. Be derived from another class
  3. Move to any class
  4. None of them
MCQ 5:

Object-oriented programming refers to the use of

  1. Derived classes
  2. Virtual functions
  3. PHP scripts
  4. Both A and B

C++ Practice Tests

Virtual Function in C++ Learning App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Virtual Function in C++ App (Android & iOS)

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