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Arithmetic in C++ Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 97

The e-Book Arithmetic in C++ Quiz Questions, arithmetic in c++ quiz answers PDF download, chapter 6-97 to study online c++ degree courses. Practice Computers and C++ Programming MCQ with answers PDF, Arithmetic in C++ Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free learning app: Arithmetic in C++ Quiz App Download & e-Book for calling functions by reference, increment and decrement operator, variables objects and declarations, inheritance concepts, arithmetic in c++ test prep for online software development courses.

The Quiz: Attempting to use the modulus operator, with non-integer operands causes; "Arithmetic in C++" App Download (Free) with answers syntax error, logical error, run-time error to study online classes courses. Solve computers and c++ programming questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample to learn free online courses.

Arithmetic in C++ Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 97

MCQ 481: Attempting to use the modulus operator, with non-integer operands causes

A) Logical error
B) Syntax error
C) Run-time error
D) None of them

MCQ 482: Class which share its characteristics to parent class but also add its own is termed as

A) base class
B) derived class
C) sub class
D) object

MCQ 483: A variable in C++ cannot be used

A) Before it is declared
B) If it is of integer type
C) If it contains value less than 10
D) None of them

MCQ 484: Post-increment operator is denoted by

A) + +m
B) m + +
C) m − −
D) − − m

MCQ 485: Which unary operator is used for determining the size of an array?

A) sizeof
B) size_array
C) s_array
D) size_ofarray

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