BBA Finance Degree Courses

MBA Cost Accounting Certification Exam Tests

MBA Cost Accounting Practice Test 38

Estimating Cost Function using Quantitative Analysis MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 38

The Estimating Cost Function using Quantitative Analysis Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Estimating Cost Function using Quantitative Analysis MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-38 to solve MBA Cost Accounting Practice Tests. Study Cost Function and Behavior quiz answers PDF, Estimating Cost Function using Quantitative Analysis Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn accounting certificate courses. The Estimating Cost Function using Quantitative Analysis MCQs App Download: Free educational app for estimating cost function using quantitative analysis, payback method, common costs, flexible budget: cost accounting, make versus buy decisions test prep for online classes for business management degree.

The MCQs: For estimation of each cost pool for cost function, the attention must be paid to; "Estimating Cost Function using Quantitative Analysis" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Management hierarchy; Cost object hierarchy; Price hierarchy; Cost hierarchy; to learn accounting certificate courses. Practice Cost Function and Behavior Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online colleges for business management.

Estimating Cost Function using Quantitative Analysis MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 38

MCQ 186:

For estimation of each cost pool for cost function, the attention must be paid to

  1. cost object hierarchy
  2. management hierarchy
  3. price hierarchy
  4. cost hierarchy
MCQ 187:

If the net initial investment is $6850000 and the uniform increases yearly cash flows is $2050000, then payback period will be

  1. 3.34 years
  2. 4.34 years
  3. 5.34 years
  4. 6.34 years
MCQ 188:

In incremental cost allocation method, the cost object user who is ranked third in ranking order is classified as

  1. First incremental user
  2. primary user
  3. secondary user
  4. second incremental user
MCQ 189:

The subtracted flexible budget amount can form an actual result to calculate

  1. unstated budget variance
  2. flexible budget variance
  3. constant budget variance
  4. static budget variance
MCQ 190:

The difference that exists between total revenues, can be earned from two different alternatives is termed as

  1. independent revenue
  2. incremental revenue
  3. differential revenue
  4. dependent revenue

MBA Cost Accounting Exam Prep Tests

Estimating Cost Function using Quantitative Analysis Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Estimating Cost Function using Quantitative Analysis App (Android & iOS)

Estimating Cost Function using Quantitative Analysis App (Android & iOS)

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