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MBA Cost Accounting Certification Exam Tests

MBA Cost Accounting Practice Test 21

Inventory Costing Methods Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 21

The Inventory Costing Methods Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Inventory Costing Methods Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-21 to prepare MBA Cost Accounting Practice Tests. Solve Capacity Analysis and Inventory Costing MCQ with answers PDF, Inventory Costing Methods Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college classes. The Inventory Costing Methods Quiz App Download: Free learning app for inventory costing methods, price and efficiency variance, indirect costs allocation, estimating cost function using quantitative analysis, direct costs and indirect costs test prep for online degrees.

The Quiz: The fixed rate of calculation is based on the; "Inventory Costing Methods" App Download (Free) with answers: Capacity available; Capacity used; Capacity utilization; Downward demand; for online college classes. Learn Capacity Analysis and Inventory Costing Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study online classes courses.

Inventory Costing Methods Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 21

MCQ 101:

The fixed rate of calculation is based on the

  1. capacity used
  2. capacity available
  3. capacity utilization
  4. downward demand
MCQ 102:

The degree which predetermines target or income achieved, can be grouped under

  1. growth evaluation
  2. performance evaluation
  3. efficiency
  4. effectiveness
MCQ 103:

An under allocated indirect cost is also called

  1. under applied indirect cost
  2. under absorbed indirect cost
  3. absorbed indirect cost
  4. both a and b
MCQ 104:

An implementation of activity based costing would be possible only if the accountants find

  1. goodness of each activity
  2. handling of each activity
  3. cost driver for each activity
  4. cost object for each activity
MCQ 105:

The cost, which is related to specific cost object and economically traceable, will be classified as

  1. direct cost
  2. indirect cost
  3. line cost
  4. staff cost

MBA Cost Accounting Exam Prep Tests

Inventory Costing Methods Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Inventory Costing Methods App (Android & iOS)

Inventory Costing Methods App (Android & iOS)

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