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College Chemistry Practice Test 248

Daltons Law Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 248

The e-Book Daltons Law MCQ Questions, daltons law quiz answers PDF download chapter 5-248 to learn free chemistry online courses. Solve Gases Test PDF, daltons law Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Daltons Law MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for daltons law, crystals and classification, liquefaction of gases, atomic radius periodic table, properties of crystalline solids test prep for best two year degrees.

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Daltons Law Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 248

MCQ 1236: According to equation PV=nRT, the pressure of the mixture of gases depends upon

A) number of moles of gas
B) collisions of gas
C) inertness of gas
D) none of above

MCQ 1237: Crystal systems are

A) five
B) six
C) seven
D) eight

MCQ 1238: The thing collected at the bottom of the expansion chamber in Linde's method is

A) liquid air
B) hydrogen
C) nitrogen
D) ice

MCQ 1239: The ionic radius of lithium in pm is

A) 60
B) 61
C) 67
D) 65

MCQ 1240: Crystalline solids possess distinctive

A) shape
B) color
C) shine
D) density

College Chemistry Exam Prep Tests

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