BBA Management Courses

Chapter 1: BBA Business Statistics Exam Tests

BBA Business Statistics MCQs - Chapter 1

Confidence Intervals and Estimation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Confidence Intervals and Estimation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Confidence Intervals and Estimation MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-1 to study BBA Business Statistics Course. Practice Introduction of Estimation MCQs, Confidence Intervals and Estimation trivia questions and answers PDF for online business administration school. The Confidence Intervals and Estimation MCQs App Download: Free learning app for sample statistics career test for master of science in business.

The MCQ: The range or set of values which have chances to contain value of population parameter with particular confidence level is considered as; "Confidence Intervals and Estimation" App Download (Free) with answers: Confidence interval estimate; Secondary interval estimation; Population interval estimate; Sample interval estimate; for online business administration school. Solve Empirical Values Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for grad cert business administration.

Confidence Intervals & Estimation MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

The range or set of values which have chances to contain value of population parameter with particular confidence level is considered as

  1. secondary interval estimation
  2. confidence interval estimate
  3. population interval estimate
  4. sample interval estimate
MCQ 2:

The upper and lower boundaries of interval of confidence are classified as

  1. error biased limits
  2. marginal limits
  3. estimate limits
  4. confidence limits
MCQ 3:

For a parameter whose value is unknown, the belief or claim for that parameter is classified as

  1. parameter claim testing
  2. expected belief testing
  3. hypothesis testing
  4. primary limit testing
MCQ 4:

If the standard deviation of population 1 is 3 with sample size is 8 and the population 2 standard deviation is 5 with sample size is 7 then the standard deviation of sampling distribution is

  1. 4.044
  2. 3.044
  3. 1.044
  4. 2.044
MCQ 5:

Considering the sample statistic, if the mean of sampling distribution is equal to population mean then the sample statistic is classified as

  1. unbiased estimator
  2. biased estimator
  3. interval estimator
  4. hypothesis estimator

Confidence Intervals & Estimation Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Confidence Intervals & Estimation App (Android & iOS)

Confidence Intervals & Estimation App (Android & iOS)

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