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Financial Management Certification Exam Tests

Financial Management Practice Test 68

Stand Alone Risks Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 68

The Stand Alone Risks MCQ with Answers PDF (Stand Alone Risks Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 9-68 to prepare Financial Management Practice Tests. Study Risk, Return, and Capital Asset Pricing Model Test PDF, Stand Alone Risks Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for business management degree online. The Stand Alone Risks MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for stand alone risks, black scholes option pricing model, estimating cash flows, market analysis, weighted average cost of capital test prep to study online certification courses.

The MCQ Quiz: A range of probability distribution with 95.46% lies within; "Stand Alone Risks" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: ( + 2σ and -2σ); ( + 1σ and -1σ); ( + 3σ and -3σ); ( + 4σ and -4σ); for business management degree online. Practice Risk, Return, and Capital Asset Pricing Model Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online BBA degree.

Stand Alone Risks MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 68

MCQ 336:

A range of probability distribution with 95.46% lies within

  1. ( + 1σ and -1σ)
  2. ( + 2σ and -2σ)
  3. ( + 3σ and -3σ)
  4. ( + 4σ and -4σ)
MCQ 337:

When two portfolios have identical values and payoffs then it is classified as

  1. binomial parity relationship
  2. put parity relationship
  3. put option parity relationship
  4. put call parity relationship
MCQ 338:

The free cash flow is $17000 and the net investment in operating capital is $10000 then the net operating profit after taxes would be

  1. 7000
  2. 27000
  3. −$27000
  4. −$7000
MCQ 339:

In market analysis, the market multiple is multiplied by firm earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization to calculate

  1. market total value
  2. firm total value
  3. industry value
  4. taxes value
MCQ 340:

The preferred dividend is divided by preferred stock price multiply by (1-floatation cost) is used to calculate

  1. transaction cost of preferred stock
  2. financing of preferred stock
  3. weighted cost of capital
  4. component cost of preferred stock

Financial Management Exam Prep Tests

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Stand Alone Risks App (Android & iOS)

Stand Alone Risks App (Android & iOS)

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