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Financial Management Practice Test 116

Risk in Portfolio Context Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 116

The Risk in Portfolio Context MCQ with Answers PDF (Risk in Portfolio Context Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 9-116 to prepare Financial Management Practice Tests. Study Risk, Return, and Capital Asset Pricing Model Test PDF, Risk in Portfolio Context Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for accredited online schools for business management. The Risk in Portfolio Context MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for risk in portfolio context, inflation adjustment, perpetuities formula and calculations, relationship between risk and rates of return, capital and security market line test prep for online certificate programs.

The MCQ: If the risk can be eliminated with the help of diversification, then the relevant risk is; "Risk in Portfolio Context" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Larger than stand-alone risk; Smaller than stand-alone risk; Smaller than diverse risk; Larger than diverse risk; for accredited online schools for business management. Practice Risk, Return, and Capital Asset Pricing Model Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online degrees.

Risk in Portfolio Context MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 116

MCQ 576:

If the risk can be eliminated with the help of diversification, then the relevant risk is

  1. smaller than stand-alone risk
  2. larger than stand-alone risk
  3. smaller than diverse risk
  4. larger than diverse risk
MCQ 577:

The real rate expected cash flows and nominal rate expected cash flows must be

  1. accelerated
  2. equal
  3. different
  4. inflated
MCQ 578:

The payment if it is divided with interest rate will be the formula of

  1. future value of perpetuity
  2. present value of perpetuity
  3. due perpetuity
  4. deferred perpetuity
MCQ 579:

The Treasury yielded by bond is 7% and the market required return is 13% then market risk premium will be

  1. 0.0216
  2. 0.2
  3. 0.06
  4. 0.0053
MCQ 580:

A line which shows the relationship between an expected return and risk on efficient portfolio is considered as

  1. efficient market line
  2. attributable market line
  3. capital market line
  4. security market line

Financial Management Exam Prep Tests

Risk in Portfolio Context Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Risk in Portfolio Context App (Android & iOS)

Risk in Portfolio Context App (Android & iOS)

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