BBA: Finance Courses

Financial Management Practice Tests

Financial Management Online Tests

Cost Analysis Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Cost Analysis Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Cost Analysis MCQ PDF Book) to learn online financial management degree courses. Study Cash Flow Estimation and Risk Analysis Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Cost Analysis quiz answers PDF for bachelors degree in finance online. Free learning app: Cost Analysis MCQ App Download & e-Book for inflation adjustment, project analysis, cost analysis test prep for general business degree online.

The MCQ: Required increasing in current assets and an increasing in current liabilities is subtracted to calculate; "Cost Analysis" App Download (Free) with answers change in net working capital, change in current assets, change in current liabilities and change in depreciation for bachelors degree in finance online. Practice cost analysis quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for online courses for business management degree.

Cost Analysis MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The required increasing in current assets and an increasing in current liabilities is subtracted to calculate

A) change in net working capital
B) change in current assets
C) change in current liabilities
D) change in depreciation

MCQ 2: The economists consider the effects of the started project on other parts of company or on the environment of the company is called

A) externalities
B) foreign effects
C) weighted effects
D) opportunity effects

MCQ 3: The weighted average cost of debt, preferred stock and common equity is classified as

A) cost of salvage
B) cost of interest
C) cost of taxation
D) cost of capital

MCQ 4: The rate of return which is required to satisfy stockholders and debt holders is classified as

A) weighted average cost of interest
B) weighted average cost of capital
C) weighted average salvage value
D) mean cost of capital

MCQ 5: The cost which has occurred already and not affected by decisions is classified as

A) sunk cost
B) occurred cost
C) weighted cost
D) mean cost

Financial Management Practice Tests

Cost Analysis Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Cost Analysis App (Android & iOS)

Cost Analysis App (Android & iOS)

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