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Business Mathematics Practice Test 78

Three Dimensional Coordinate Systems MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 78

The Three Dimensional Coordinate Systems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Three Dimensional Coordinate Systems MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-78 to solve Business Mathematics Practice Tests. Study Linear Equations quiz answers PDF, Three Dimensional Coordinate Systems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study business certificate courses. The Three Dimensional Coordinate Systems MCQs App Download: Free educational app for three dimensional coordinate systems, quadratic functions characteristics, linear functions in maths, cash flow analysis, dual simplex method test prep for online classes for bachelor's degree in business administration.

The MCQs: In graphically representation of the equation, the number of dimensions is determined by; "Three Dimensional Coordinate Systems" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Number of quadrants; Number of variables; Number of octants; Number of axes; to study business certificate courses. Practice Linear Equations Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample to learn free online courses.

Three Dimensional Coordinate Systems MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 78

MCQ 386:

In graphically representation of the equation, the number of dimensions is determined by

  1. number of variables
  2. number of quadrants
  3. number of octants
  4. number of axes
MCQ 387:

The 'concave up' parabola point where it bottoms out is considered as

  1. left vertex
  2. convex vertex
  3. vertex of parabola
  4. concave vertex
MCQ 388:

The total revenue $35,000 USD and the price of each output unit sold $70 USD then the number of units sold is

  1. 0.002 pre unit cost
  2. 500 units
  3. 2450000 units
  4. 5000 units
MCQ 389:

The present value of cash inflows is $70,000 USD and present value of cash outflows is $85,000 USD then net present value is

  1. −$155000
  2. $15,000
  3. −$15000
  4. $155,000
MCQ 390:

The problem statement which is formulated with the help of information available in primal problem is considered as

  1. dual variables
  2. single problems
  3. double problems
  4. dual problems

Business Mathematics Exam Prep Tests

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Three Dimensional Coordinate Systems App (Android & iOS)

Three Dimensional Coordinate Systems App (Android & iOS)

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