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Business Mathematics Certification Exam Tests

Business Mathematics Practice Test 24

Linear Equations: Math Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 24

The Linear Equations Math MCQ with Answers PDF (Linear Equations Math Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-24 to prepare Business Mathematics Practice Tests. Study Linear Equations Test PDF, Linear Equations Math Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college classes. The Linear Equations: Math MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for linear equations: math, slope intercept form, how to do with linear equations, introduction to linear programming, cost benefit analysis test prep for online bachelors degree.

The MCQ: The example of linear equation involving two variables is; "Linear Equations: Math" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: 6x+2y = 10; 7x+3y+4z = 20; 8x = 2+10; 7a+8b+9c = 10+5; for online college classes. Practice Linear Equations Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for accredited online business administration degree.

Linear Equations: Math MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 24

MCQ 116:

The example of linear equation involving two variables is

  1. 7x+3y+4z = 20
  2. 6x+2y = 10
  3. 8x = 2+10
  4. 7a+8b+9c = 10+5
MCQ 117:

In the slope intercept form of linear equation 'y = mx+k', the k is

  1. y-coordinate of x-intercept
  2. x-coordinate of y-intercept
  3. x-coordinate of x-intercept
  4. y-coordinate of y-intercept
MCQ 118:

The relative steepness of slope of straight line of equation is indicated with

  1. absolute value
  2. negative whole number
  3. natural numbers
  4. constant values
MCQ 119:

The shaded area to represent solution set is classified as

  1. closed half space
  2. open half space
  3. positive full space
  4. negative full space
MCQ 120:

The present value of cash inflows is $50,000 USD and present value of cash outflows is $55,000 USD then net present value is

  1. −$105000
  2. −$5000
  3. $5,000
  4. $105,000

Business Mathematics Exam Prep Tests

Linear Equations Math Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Linear Equations Math App (Android & iOS)

Linear Equations Math App (Android & iOS)

Business Mathematics App (Android & iOS)

Business Mathematics App (iOS & Android)

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