A Level Courses

Chapter 16: IGCSE A Level Chemistry Exam Tests

IGCSE A Level Chemistry MCQs - Chapter 16

Introduction to Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Introduction to Organic Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Introduction to Organic Chemistry MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 16-1 to study IGCSE A Level Chemistry Course. Practice Naming Organic Compounds MCQs, Introduction to Organic Chemistry quiz questions and answers PDF for best SAT prep courses online. The Introduction to Organic Chemistry MCQs App Download: Free learning app for what is organic chemistry, stereoisomerism career test to study online IGCSE courses.

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Introduction to Organic Chemistry MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

Only one 'benzene ring' is present in compounds of

  1. aryl
  2. acryl
  3. carboxylic
  4. ketone
MCQ 2:

The substances which are the basis of human life on earth are

  1. atom
  2. molecules
  3. matter
  4. organic compounds
MCQ 3:

For complex molecules, a chemist usually represents a molecule by

  1. molecular formula
  2. empirical formula
  3. skeletal formula
  4. simple formula
MCQ 4:

Two optical isomers are formed from carbon atoms to create a bond of

  1. 4 atoms
  2. 2 atoms
  3. 1 atom
  4. 3 atoms
MCQ 5:

The element that is the backbone of organic molecules is

  1. carbon
  2. hydrogen
  3. oxygen
  4. nitrogen

Introduction to Organic Chemistry Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Introduction to Organic Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

Introduction to Organic Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

A level Chemistry App (Android & iOS)

A level Chemistry App (iOS & Android)

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O Level Chemistry App (iOS & Android)