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Microbiology Practice Test 16

Arbovirus Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 16

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Arbovirus Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 16

MCQ 76: Human urban yellow fever is transmitted by

A) Mosquito
B) Rats
C) Pigs
D) Monkeys

MCQ 77: If a cell is infected by a virus the calculated time to replicate it is approximately

A) 12 hours
B) 10 hours
C) 8 hours
D) 4 hours

MCQ 78: The inflammatory disease of pelvic is caused by

A) Mycoplasma pneumoniae
B) Mycoplasma hominis
C) Mycobacterium leprae
D) Mycolasma

MCQ 79: What is the approximate number of genes in humans in contrast to prokaryotes?

A) 100000
B) 1000000
C) 10000
D) 200000

MCQ 80: The process of mating through which two bacterial cells transfer their DNA a cell acts as a host while other as the recipient the process is known as

A) Transduction
B) Transformation
C) Conjugations
D) Mating

Microbiology Exam Prep Tests

Arbovirus Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Arbovirus App (Android & iOS)

Arbovirus App (Android & iOS)

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