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Basic Sociology Practice Test 47

Agrarian Societies Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 47

The Agrarian Societies Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Agrarian Societies Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 2-47 to solve Basic Sociology Practice Tests. Learn Foundations of Society MCQ Questions PDF, Agrarian Societies Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for free online courses. The Agrarian Societies Trivia App Download: Free learning app for sociology of identity, ideology, agrarian societies test prep for distance learning programs.

The Quiz: In agrarian societies, most men and women works at home and; "Agrarian Societies" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Farm; Industry; Land; Company; for distance learning programs. Study Foundations of Society Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online associates degree.

Agrarian Societies Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 47

MCQ 231:

In agrarian societies, most men and women works at home and?

  1. Industry
  2. Farm
  3. land
  4. Company
MCQ 232:

In sociology class system celebrate

  1. Individualism
  2. Achievement
  3. Power
  4. All of the above
MCQ 233:

People in each class transmit a distinctive habitu?s classifications, perceptions way of talking, moving and generally carrying oneself is called

  1. Culture
  2. Habitualisation
  3. Social gathering
  4. Social circus
MCQ 234:

According to sociology as capitalism develop, there appeared an increased concern with human individuality, which starts to make the issue of

  1. Individuality
  2. Human individuality
  3. Communication
  4. Relationship
MCQ 235:

In sociology much food is now grown with the aid of chemical and hybrid plants, and animals are reared on factory farms are called

  1. Body need
  2. Growing food
  3. Processing food
  4. Cultivation

Basic Sociology Exam Prep Tests

Agrarian Societies Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Agrarian Societies App (Android & iOS)

Agrarian Societies App (Android & iOS)

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