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Basic Sociology Certification Exam Tests

Basic Sociology Practice Test 35

Organizations Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 35

The Organizations Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Organizations Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-35 to solve Basic Sociology Practice Tests. Learn Groups, Organizations and Rise of Network Society MCQ Questions PDF, Organizations Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for bachelor degree online in 2 years. The Organizations Trivia App Download: Free learning app for max weber class, status and power, functionalist perspective a world of balance, organizations test prep for online college classes.

The Quiz: According to sociologists a group of people in often informal or non existent of the society is called; "Organizations" App (iOS, Android) with answers: High class; Hierarchy; Large group; Small group; for online college classes. Study Groups, Organizations and Rise of Network Society Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online undergraduate degree.

Organizations Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 35

MCQ 171:

According to sociologists a group of people in often informal or non existent of the society is called

  1. Hierarchy
  2. High class
  3. Large group
  4. Small group
MCQ 172:

A framework for building theory that sees society a complex system which is interconnect to promote solidarity and stability is called as

  1. Social life
  2. Social building
  3. Social structure
  4. All of the above
MCQ 173:

According to sociology public sociology takes the works of

  1. Scientists
  2. Social scientists
  3. Technologies
  4. None of the above
MCQ 174:

According to Max Weber agrarian societies are

  1. Social norms
  2. Social values
  3. Social prestige
  4. Social status
MCQ 175:

The universalization of a dominant groups experience and culture, and its establishment as the norm is

  1. Powerlessness
  2. Cultural reproduction
  3. Cultural imperialism
  4. Cultural violance

Basic Sociology Exam Prep Tests

Organizations Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Organizations App (Android & iOS)

Organizations App (Android & iOS)

Basic Sociology App (Android & iOS)

Basic Sociology App (iOS & Android)

Computer Networks App (Android & iOS)

Computer Networks App (Android & iOS)

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Mechanics of Materials App (iOS & Android)