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Moving Water against gravity MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Moving Water against gravity Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Moving Water against gravity MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice SAT Biology Tests. Study Movement of Material in Plants Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Moving Water against gravity quiz answers PDF with online SAT practice tests. The Moving Water against gravity MCQ App Download: Free learning app for moving water against gravity, structure of flowering plants in relation to transport test prep for job placement test.

The MCQ: Cooling effect in plants is due to; "Moving Water against gravity" App Download (Free) with answers: Respiration; Evaporation; Transpiration; All; with online SAT practice tests. Practice Moving Water against gravity Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for pre employment screening tests.

Moving Water against gravity MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Excessive transpiration causes cells to lose their turgidity, become flaccid and plant

  1. wilts
  2. strong
  3. fresh
  4. dead
MCQ 2:

Cooling effect in plants is due to

  1. Respiration
  2. evaporation
  3. Transpiration
  4. all
MCQ 3:

The pressure act as helper to support the leaf and keep the leaf firm is

  1. turgor
  2. root
  3. latent
  4. air
MCQ 4:

The rate of transpiration will be slower if the humidity of air is

  1. more
  2. less
  3. equal
  4. reduced
MCQ 5:

In plants, the upward movement of water and mineral salts is mainly forced by

  1. gravitational pull
  2. transpiration pull
  3. ionic pull
  4. evaporation

SAT Biology Practice Tests

Moving Water against gravity Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Moving Water against gravity App (Android & iOS)

Moving Water against gravity App (Android & iOS)

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