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Geography Practice Test 88

Issues of Intensification of Agriculture and extension of Cultivation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 88

The Issues of Intensification of Agriculture and extension of Cultivation MCQ with Answers PDF (Issues of Intensification of Agriculture and extension of Cultivation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-88 to prepare Geography Practice Tests. Learn Production Location and change Test PDF, Issues of Intensification of Agriculture and extension of Cultivation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for completely online college. The Issues of Intensification of Agriculture and extension of Cultivation MCQ App Download: Free certification app for drainage basin system, national development, agriculture system and food production, internal migration, issues of intensification of agriculture and extension of cultivation test prep to learn online IGCSE courses.

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Issues of Intensification of Agriculture and extension of Cultivation MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 88

MCQ 436:

Type of soil condition which is caused by poor management is known as

  1. preferential treatment
  2. soil degradation
  3. soil erosion
  4. marginal land
MCQ 437:

Large scale migration is known as

  1. micro level migration
  2. meso level migration
  3. macro level migration
  4. chain migration
MCQ 438:

Organized scheme according to which something is done is known as

  1. system
  2. hard infrastructure
  3. soil degradation
  4. none of above
MCQ 439:

Which sector provides different services to business and to people?

  1. secondary sector
  2. quaternary sector
  3. primary sector
  4. tertiary sector
MCQ 440:

Geographic term about rivers is known as

  1. interception
  2. stem flow
  3. hydrology
  4. drainage basin

Geography Exam Prep Tests

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