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Geography Practice Test 24

drainage basin system Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 24

The drainage basin system MCQ with Answers PDF (drainage basin system Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 7-24 to prepare Geography Practice Tests. Learn Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology Test PDF, drainage basin system Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for schools that offer online bachelor degrees. The drainage basin system MCQ App Download: Free certification app for human impact, debt and their management, coral reefs, waves marine and sub aerial processes, drainage basin system test prep to study online classes courses.

The MCQ: The part of rainfall which falls to the forest floor from the canopy is known as; "drainage basin system" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Stem flow; Through fall; Hydrology; Overland flow; for schools that offer online bachelor degrees. Practice Hydrology and Fluvial Geomorphology Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for colleges that offer online classes.

drainage basin system MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 24

MCQ 116:

The part of rainfall which falls to the forest floor from the canopy is known as

  1. through fall
  2. stem flow
  3. hydrology
  4. overland flow
MCQ 117:

In the process of transportation portion of sediments which is uplifted by fluid flow is known as

  1. succession
  2. suspended load
  3. sustainable development
  4. sustainable environment
MCQ 118:

Coral reefs enclosing a shallow lagoon is known as

  1. atolls
  2. coral reefs
  3. river cliff
  4. succession
MCQ 119:

Political control over another country with settlers is known as

  1. colonialism
  2. Protectionism
  3. tourism
  4. quaternary sector
MCQ 120:

Horns, loud speakers and hearing music on a very loud volume these all are type of

  1. land pollution
  2. air pollution
  3. water pollution
  4. noise pollution

Geography Exam Prep Tests

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