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Medical Biochemistry Practice Test 32

Nutritional Importance of Lipids Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 32

The Nutritional Importance of Lipids MCQ with Answers PDF (Nutritional Importance of Lipids Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-32 to prepare Medical Biochemistry Practice Tests. Learn Nutrition Test PDF, Nutritional Importance of Lipids Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college courses. The Nutritional Importance of Lipids MCQ App Download: Free certification app for jaundice, body fluids, connective tissue proteins, electrolyte balance, nutritional importance of lipids test prep to learn study university courses.

The MCQ: Functions of the lipids are; "Nutritional Importance of Lipids" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Hormone synthesis; Excellent energy reserve; Body thermal insulation; for online college courses. Practice Nutrition Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for colleges that offer certificate programs.

Nutritional Importance of Lipids MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 32

MCQ 156:

Functions of the lipids are

  1. Excellent energy reserve
  2. Hormone synthesis
  3. Body thermal insulation
  4. All of above
MCQ 157:

The number of moles per kg of solvent is termed as

  1. Osmolality
  2. osmolality
  3. Diffusion
  4. Absorption
MCQ 158:

The rigidity of the collagen is conferred by the

  1. Proline
  2. Hydroxyproline
  3. Valine
  4. Both A and B
MCQ 159:

The magnesium content in the human milk is

  1. 2.2 mg/dl
  2. 13 mg/dl
  3. 10 mg/dl
  4. 8 mg/dl
MCQ 160:

The clay colour of the faeces in the patients of the hepatic jaundice is due to the absence of

  1. Bilirubin
  2. Urobilinogen
  3. Stercobilinogen
  4. Hemoglobin

Medical Biochemistry Exam Prep Tests

Nutritional Importance of Lipids Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Nutritional Importance of Lipids App (Android & iOS)

Nutritional Importance of Lipids App (Android & iOS)

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