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Trigonometric Identities MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 82

The Book Trigonometric Identities Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Trigonometric Identities MCQs PDF download, e-Book Ch. 13-82 to learn free math online courses. Study Trigonometric Identities quiz answers PDF, trigonometric identities Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Trigonometric Identities MCQs App Download: Free educational app for trigonometric identities, synthetic division, linear and quadratic function, remainder theorem, trig identities test prep for two year online colleges.

The MCQs: 2cos²(α/2) =; "Trigonometric Identities" App Download (iOS & Android) Free with answers 1- cosα, 1+ cosα, 1 + sinα and 1 - sinα for online college classes. Practice trigonometric identities questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for ACT test prep classes.

Trigonometric Identities Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 82

MCQ 406: 2cos²(α/2) =

  1. 1+ cosα
  2. 1- cosα
  3. 1 + sinα
  4. 1 - sinα

MCQ 407: X³ - 3x² + 2x - 6 has a factor

  1. x-4
  2. x-3
  3. x+3
  4. x+2

MCQ 408: The graph of the quadratic function represents

  1. triangle
  2. circle
  3. straight line
  4. parabola

MCQ 409: If a polynomial ƒ(x) is divided by a linear divisor ax + b, the remainder is

  1. ƒ( ba )
  2. ƒ(-a)
  3. ƒ(a)
  4. ƒ( - ba )

MCQ 410: Tan(1110°) =

  1. ¹⁄√3
  2. −1√3
  3. ²⁄√3
  4. −2√3

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Trigonometric Identities App (Android & iOS)

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