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Introduction to International Relations Practice Tests

Introduction to International Relations Online Tests

Liberalism and Mercantilism Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Liberalism and Mercantilism Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Liberalism and Mercantilism MCQ PDF Book) to learn online international relations degree courses. Study International Trade Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Liberalism and Mercantilism quiz answers PDF for bachelor degree online in 2 years. Free learning app: Liberalism and Mercantilism MCQ App Download & e-Book for autarky, world trade organization, enforcement of trade rules test prep to learn online master degree courses.

The MCQ: Value of a states import relative to its exports is; "Liberalism and Mercantilism" App Download (Free) with answers demand curve, equilibrium, balance of trade and supply curve for bachelor degree online in 2 years. Practice liberalism and mercantilism quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for colleges that offer online classes.

Liberalism and Mercantilism MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The value of a states import relative to its exports is

A) Demand Curve
B) Equilibrium
C) Balance of trade
D) Supply curve

MCQ 2: Two major approaches with IPE are

A) Mercantilism
B) Liberalism
C) Socialism
D) A and B

MCQ 3: A state that exports more than it imports is

A) Positive balance of trade
B) Balance of trade
C) Trade surplus
D) Negative balance of trade

MCQ 4: A state that imports more than its exports is

A) Trade surplus
B) Positive balance of trade
C) Trade deficit
D) Balance of trade

MCQ 5: If the price is high people are less wiling to buy, if the prices are low more people are willing to buy it this process is called

A) Demand Curve
B) Supply Curve
C) Equilibrium price
D) Demand supply curve

Introduction To International Relations Practice Tests

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