BBA Finance Degree Courses

Financial Markets Certification Exam Tests

Financial Markets Practice Test 87

Financial Security Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 87

The Financial Security Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Financial Security Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-87 to solve Financial Markets Practice Tests. Learn Introduction to Financial Markets MCQ Questions PDF, Financial Security Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online MBA finance programs. The Financial Security Trivia App Download: Free educational app for financial security, loanable funds in fmi, money market and capital market, types of financial institutions, risk management and financial institutions test prep for online business administration degree.

The Trivia MCQ: The type of financial security having payoffs which are connected to some securities issued some time back, is classified as; "Financial Security" App (iOS & Android) with answers: Previous security; Linked security; Payoff security; Derivative security; for online business administration degree. Study Introduction to Financial Markets Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online colleges for business management.

Financial Security Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 87

MCQ 431:

The type of financial security having payoffs which are connected to some securities issued some time back, is classified as

  1. linked security
  2. previous security
  3. payoff security
  4. derivative security
MCQ 432:

For the specific basket of goods and services, the rise in the price on continual basis is considered as

  1. fall in globalization
  2. rise in globalization
  3. rise in demand
  4. inflation
MCQ 433:

The corporate equities or corporate stocks represent the portion in instruments of capital markets, which is

  1. largest
  2. smallest
  3. never paid
  4. none of the above
MCQ 434:

The depository institutions that concentrate loans in one segment such as consumer loans are considered as

  1. thrifts
  2. state bank
  3. global bank
  4. multinational institutions
MCQ 435:

The risk which arises from insufficient capital available to balance the sudden decrease in assets value is classified as

  1. insolvency risk
  2. solvency risk
  3. balanced risk
  4. unbalanced risk

Financial Markets Exam Prep Tests

Financial Security Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Financial Security App (Android & iOS)

Financial Security App (Android & iOS)

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