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Electronic Devices Practice Tests

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Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers PDF

The Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers (Electronic Devices MCQ PDF e-Book) download to study electronic devices online courses. Practice General Devices Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Electronic Devices quiz answers PDF to study online training courses. The Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers App Download: Free learning app for basic transistors questions and answers for engineers, electronics engineering study guide for engineers, electronic devices and circuits question bank test prep to enroll in online colleges.

The MCQ: An electronic device that must be attached to a computer in order for it to use protected software is called; "Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers" App Download (Free) with answers: Dongle; Video display; Answering machine; Supply adopter; to study online training courses. Study Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers FAQs, download Google eBook (Free Sample) to learn free online courses.

Electronic Devices MCQs: Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers PDF Download

MCQ 1:

An electronic device that must be attached to a computer in order for it to use protected software is called

  1. dongle
  2. video display
  3. answering machine
  4. supply adopter
MCQ 2:

An electronic device that performs an elementary logic operation is called

  1. memory
  2. logic element
  3. display
  4. beeper
MCQ 3:

An electronic device used to produce a signal voltage is called

  1. generator
  2. doubler
  3. Tripler
  4. dongle
MCQ 4:

An electronic device that amplifies sound and is worn to compensate for poor hearing is called

  1. seeing aid
  2. hearing aid
  3. dongle
  4. generator
MCQ 5:

An electronic device that doubles the voltage or the frequency of an input signal is called

  1. dongle
  2. doubler
  3. Tripler
  4. generator

Practice Tests: Electronic Devices Exam Prep

Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers App to study Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers Textbook, Electronic Devices MCQ App, and Data Structure MCQ App. The "Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers App (Android & iOS)

Online Electronics Engineering Test for Engineers App (Android & iOS)

Electronic Devices App (Android & iOS)

Electronic Devices App (iOS & Android)

Data Structure App (Android & iOS)

Data Structure App (Android & iOS)

PHP App (Android & iOS)

PHP App (iOS & Android)