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Biochemistry Practice Test 9

Biochemistry Solved MCQs Based Quizzes for Interview PDF Download - 9

The Biochemistry Solved MCQs Based Quizzes for Interview (Biochemistry Trivia PDF e-Book), download test 9 to practice biochemistry online career tests. Solve Biochemistry MCQ questions, Biochemistry Solved MCQs Based Quizzes for Interview Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online computer engineering classes. The "Biochemistry Solved MCQs Based Quizzes for Interview" App: Free download certification App for biochemistry basic interview questions and answers, basic biochemistry test for employment with answers, biochemistry solved mcqs based quizzes for interview test prep for online university classes.

The Quiz: When one or more base pair are deleted or added in sequence that shifts reading frame on ribosome is called; "Biochemistry Solved MCQs Based Quizzes for Interview" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Missense mutation; Substitution mutation; Nonsense mutation; Frameshift mutation; for online university classes. Learn biochemistry questions and answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for best online universities.

Biochemistry Quiz Online: Biochemistry Solved MCQs Based Quizzes for Interview PDF Download - 9

MCQ 41:

When one or more base pair are deleted or added in the sequence that shifts the reading frame on the ribosome is called

  1. Substitution mutation
  2. Missense mutation
  3. Nonsense mutation
  4. Frameshift mutation
MCQ 42:

The process in which the defective foreign genes are replaced with the normal cloned gene is known as

  1. Gene therapy
  2. Gene insertion
  3. Gene cloning
  4. Gene repairing
MCQ 43:

An adipocyte peptide hormone that is secreted in proportion to the size of fat stores is named as

  1. Insulin
  2. Leptin
  3. Valine
  4. Cysteine
MCQ 44:

In birds, female is denoted as

  1. WZ
  2. ZW
  3. ZX
  4. WW
MCQ 45:

Starch is the major dietary polysaccharide of the

  1. Human
  2. Plants
  3. Animals
  4. Reptiles

Career Tests: Biochemistry Course Prep

Biochemistry Solved MCQs Based Quizzes for Interview Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Biochemistry Solved MCQs Based Quizzes for Interview App (Android & iOS)

Biochemistry Solved MCQs Based Quizzes for Interview App (Android & iOS)

Biochemistry App (Android & iOS)

Biochemistry App (iOS & Android)

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Mechanics of Materials App (Android & iOS)

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General Knowledge App (iOS & Android)