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ARM Processors Practice Test 39

Challenges in Low Power Microprocessor Design Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 39

The Challenges in Low Power Microprocessor Design Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Challenges in Low Power Microprocessor Design Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-39 to study arm processors online courses. Study Introduction to ARM Processors Quiz Questions PDF, challenges in low power microprocessor design Multiple Choice Questions to learn online engineering courses. The Challenges in Low Power Microprocessor Design Trivia App Download: Free learning app for cortex-m4 processor, arm cortex-m processor series, cortex- mo+ processor, cortex-a processor, challenges in low power microprocessor design test prep for college entrance test.

The Quiz: Power contribution of memory arrays depends upon the; "Challenges in Low Power Microprocessor Design" App (iOS, Android) with answers: ALU speed; Length of datapath; Size of cache; Number of inputs; for college entrance test. Practice introduction to arm processors questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for college entrance exams.

Challenges in Low Power Microprocessor Design Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 39

MCQ 191:

Power contribution of memory arrays depends upon the

  1. length of datapath
  2. ALU speed
  3. size of cache
  4. number of inputs
MCQ 192:

A secure program execution environment in ARM processors is provided by

  1. TrustZone
  2. Java support
  3. RTOS
  4. Proxy
MCQ 193:

Number of interrupts present in Cortex-MO+ processors are

  1. 1 to 32
  2. 1 to 16
  3. 1,8,16,32
  4. 1 to 240
MCQ 194:

Which of the following supports the same instruction set as the Cortex-M0 processor?

  1. Cortex-M7 processor
  2. Cortex-M3 processor
  3. Cortex-M4 processors
  4. Cortex-M0+ processor
MCQ 195:

Performance of Cortex-M4 processor with Dhrystone 2.1 benchmark is

  1. 2.33 MHz
  2. 1.02 MHz
  3. 3.4 MHz
  4. 12.32 MHz

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Challenges in Low Power Microprocessor Design App (Android & iOS)

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