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Storage Organization of Magnetic Disks Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 3

The Storage Organization of Magnetic Disks Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Storage Organization of Magnetic Disks Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 22-3 to study computer technology online courses. Study Secondary Storage Devices Quiz Questions PDF, storage organization of magnetic disks Multiple Choice Questions to learn computer science courses. The Storage Organization of Magnetic Disks Trivia App Download: Free learning app for vacuum tubes, quarter-inch streamer tape, functions of an os, storage organization, storage organization of magnetic disks test prep for free online classes.

The Quiz: The innermost group of tracks of a magnetic disk has; "Storage Organization of Magnetic Disks" App (iOS, Android) with answers: 8 sectors per track; 7 sectors per track; 9 sectors per track; 10 sectors per track; for free online classes. Practice secondary storage devices questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for best online schools for computer science.

Storage Organization of Magnetic Disks Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 3

MCQ 11:

The innermost group of tracks of a magnetic disk has

  1. 7 sectors per track
  2. 8 sectors per track
  3. 9 sectors per track
  4. 10 sectors per track
MCQ 12:

Inter-record gap is of the order of

  1. 0.3 inches
  2. 0.5 inches
  3. 0.7 inches
  4. 0.9 inches
MCQ 13:

The operating systems' module that allocates memory space to programs in need of that resource, is known as

  1. Command management
  2. Resource management
  3. Memory management
  4. Integration management
MCQ 14:

The number of tracks possessed by a streamer tape is defined to be

  1. 2-20 tracks
  2. 3-30 tracks
  3. 4-40 tracks
  4. 5-50 tracks
MCQ 15:

An area from which all gases has been removed is known to be

  1. Tube
  2. Switches
  3. Vacuum
  4. Electromagnetic tube

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Storage Organization of Magnetic Disks Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Storage Organization of Magnetic Disks App (Android & iOS)

Storage Organization of Magnetic Disks App (Android & iOS)

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