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Uniprogramming System Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 299

The Uniprogramming System Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Uniprogramming System Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 19-299 to study computer technology online courses. Study Operating Systems Quiz Questions PDF, uniprogramming system Multiple Choice Questions to learn e-learning courses. The Uniprogramming System Trivia App Download: Free learning app for combinational circuits, input devices, analytical engine, tape drive, uniprogramming system test prep for 2 year computer science degree.

The Trivia MCQ: All the system resources are made exclusively available for job till its completion in the process of; "Uniprogramming System" App (iOS & Android) with answers: Multiprogramming with variable jobs; Uniprogramming; Multiprogramming; Multiprogramming with fixed jobs; for 2 year computer science degree. Practice operating systems questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for computer and information science.

Uniprogramming System Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 299

MCQ 1491:

All the system resources are made exclusively available for job till its completion in the process of

  1. Uniprogramming
  2. Multiprogramming with variable jobs
  3. Multiprogramming
  4. Multiprogramming with fixed jobs
MCQ 1492:

For the operation of writing to a magnetic tape ribbon, the device used is known to be

  1. Zip Drive
  2. Tape Drive
  3. Flash drive
  4. WORM drive
MCQ 1493:

A supercomputer named Deep Blue was designed by

  1. Charles Babbage
  2. Panasonic
  3. Microsoft
  4. IBM
MCQ 1494:

For any input data that is of a selection nature, technique used for its recognition is known to be

  1. OBR
  2. OCR
  3. OSR
  4. OMR
MCQ 1495:

Logic circuit diagram is traced in the designing process to implement the

  1. Boolean operations
  2. Boolean variables
  3. Boolean function
  4. Boolean literals

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