Computer Science Courses

Human Computer Interaction Certification Exam Tests

Human Computer Interaction Practice Test 5

What is HCI Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 5

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What is HCI Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 5

MCQ 21:

The human computer interaction is a core subject of

  1. psychology
  2. software engineering
  3. anthropology
  4. no ones
MCQ 22:

The user output in human computer interaction is occurred through

  1. motor controls
  2. experience
  3. senses
  4. education
MCQ 23:

The visual angle measurement given by 1 degree is equivalent to

  1. 60 seconds of arc
  2. 600 seconds of arc
  3. 60 minutes of arc
  4. 360 seconds of arc
MCQ 24:

The total time period taken by the fixations in reading process is approximately

  1. 94%
  2. 93%
  3. 92%
  4. 91%
MCQ 25:

The jerky movement of human eyes during reading process is followed by

  1. regressions
  2. fixations
  3. saccades
  4. suppression

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What is HCI App (Android & iOS)

HCI App (Android & iOS)

HCI App (iOS & Android)

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Environmental Science App (Android & iOS)

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Distributed Computing App (iOS & Android)