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Data Structure Certification Exam Tests

Data Structure Practice Test 4

Lists Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 4

The Lists Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Lists MCQ PDF e-Book) download Ch. 4-4 to learn data structure online courses. Solve Lists, Stacks, and Queues Quiz Answers PDF, lists Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for IT certifications. The Lists MCQ Quiz App Download: Free educational app for arrays, pointers and structures, introduction, lists test prep for online software engineering classes.

The MCQ: An ordered sequence of data items are known to be; "Lists" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Relations; Entities; Elements; Instances; for IT certifications. Study lists, stacks, and queues questions and answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for CS certifications.

Lists MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 4

MCQ 16:

An ordered sequence of data items are known to be

  1. Entities
  2. Relations
  3. Elements
  4. Instances
MCQ 17:

A growth rate of n, is referred to as

  1. Absolute growth rate
  2. Linear growth rate
  3. Exponential growth rate
  4. Quadratic growth rate
MCQ 18:

The primitive method of using an array is said to be

  1. Vector
  2. Aggregate array
  3. User defined array
  4. Built-in array
MCQ 19:

If a binary relation is antisymmetric and transitive is referred to as

  1. Impartial order
  2. Partial order
  3. Comparable order
  4. Non-comparable order
MCQ 20:

The ?rst link node of the list is accessed from a pointer named

  1. Tail
  2. Head
  3. Terminator
  4. Initiator

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Lists Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Lists App (Android & iOS)

Lists App (Android & iOS)

Data Structure App (Android & iOS)

Data Structure App (iOS & Android)

HCI App (Android & iOS)

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RF Electronics App (iOS & Android)