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Database Systems Practice Test 343

Centralized and Client Server Architectures Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 343

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Centralized and Client Server Architectures Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 343

MCQ 1711:

Multiple threads within a process can execute

  1. Dependently
  2. Independently
  3. Concurrently
  4. Parallel
MCQ 1712:

DDL stands for

  1. Data Definition language
  2. Data Declaration language
  3. Definition Data language
  4. Dynamic Declaration language
MCQ 1713:

A way of guarding against deadlock prevention is to

  1. Order data items
  2. Order the execution
  3. Order access
  4. Order cascading
MCQ 1714:

A class consisting of more general constraints that leads to a normal form called

  1. Project-join normal form
  2. Domain-key normal form
  3. Join normal form
  4. Transitive-join normal form
MCQ 1715:

A tuple-relational-calculus expression may generate a/an

  1. Finite relation
  2. Infinite relation
  3. Invalid relation
  4. Composite relation

Database Systems Exam Prep Tests

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