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Computer Networks Practice Test 312

What is Internet Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 312

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What is Internet Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 312

MCQ 1556: The Hypertexts are documents linked to one another through the concept of

  1. variables
  2. pointers
  3. arrays
  4. stacks

MCQ 1557: When two computers using Internet Protocol Version (IPv6) want to communicate with each other, the strategy is used known as

  1. tunneling
  2. drilling
  3. packaging
  4. curving

MCQ 1558: In File Transfer Protocol (FTP), the data connection is opened and then closed for each

  1. file opened
  2. file altered
  3. file closed
  4. file transferred

MCQ 1559: The internetworking protocol is known as

  1. TCP
  2. IP
  3. ISP
  4. TCPIP

MCQ 1560: The wireless transmission is divided into

  1. 3 broad groups
  2. 6 broad groups
  3. 9 broad groups
  4. 8 broad groups

Computer Networks Exam Prep Tests

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