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Computer Basics Practice Test 157

Binary Coded Decimal Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 157

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Binary Coded Decimal Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 157

MCQ 781:

Binary equivalent of A16 is

  1. 1010
  2. 1011
  3. 1000
  4. 1110
MCQ 782:

Keys which can be pressed quit without saving in DOS is

  1. ctrl + A
  2. ctrl + B
  3. ctrl + C
  4. ctrl + D
MCQ 783:

The last member of the Windows 9X family is

  1. Windows XP
  2. Windows 95
  3. Windows 98
  4. Windows ME
MCQ 784:

In computer, CAL stands for

  1. computer aided learning
  2. computer assist learning
  3. computer added learning
  4. computer and learning
MCQ 785:

How many users can use a microprocessor at a time?

  1. single user
  2. multi users
  3. particular user
  4. only professional user

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

Binary Coded Decimal Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Binary Coded Decimal App (Android & iOS)

Binary Coded Decimal App (Android & iOS)

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Digital Logic Design App (Android & iOS)

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