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Computer Basics Practice Test 45

Measuring and Improving Drive Performance Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 45

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Measuring and Improving Drive Performance Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 45

MCQ 221:

A place in a system unit that allows the transfer of data between a variety of devices and the computer, is

  1. drive
  2. keyboard
  3. ROM
  4. port
MCQ 222:

In a computer, RAM stands for

  1. readily available memory
  2. read and more memory
  3. random access memory
  4. remember all memory
MCQ 223:

Register used as a working area in CPU is

  1. program counter
  2. instruction register
  3. instruction decoder
  4. accumulator
MCQ 224:

Cells of computer memory are organized into a group of

  1. 8 bits
  2. 5 bits
  3. 12 bits
  4. 4 bits
MCQ 225:

HTML is derived from

  1. URL
  2. TCP/IP
  3. SGML
  4. XML

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

Measuring and Improving Drive Performance Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Measuring and Improving Drive Performance App (Android & iOS)

Measuring and Improving Drive Performance App (Android & iOS)

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