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Microcomputer Processor MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Microcomputer Processor Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Microcomputer Processor MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice Computer Basics Tests. Study Processing Data Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Microcomputer Processor quiz answers PDF to learn distance learning courses. The Microcomputer Processor MCQ App Download: Free learning app for text codes, standard computer ports, microcomputer processor test prep for computer science associate degree.

The MCQ: Specification which has little effect on the speed of a processor is; "Microcomputer Processor" App Download (Free) with answers: Cache; System bus speed; Clock speed; Socket type; to learn distance learning courses. Practice Microcomputer Processor Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for 2 year computer science degree.

Microcomputer Processor MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Newest processor for Macintosh computers is the 64-bit

  1. G5
  2. Pentium 4
  3. Athlon FX 64
  4. PowerPC
MCQ 2:

Specification which has little effect on the speed of a processor is

  1. cache
  2. system bus speed
  3. clock speed
  4. socket type
MCQ 3:

All of the following are vectored interrupt except

  1. TRAP
  2. INTR
  3. RST 7.5
  4. RST 3
MCQ 4:

SIM stands for

  1. select interrupt mask
  2. sorting interrupt mask
  3. set interrupt mask
  4. send interrupt mask
MCQ 5:

Multiple processor systems that are required to have an even number of processors are said to be

  1. symmetric multiple processors
  2. even multiple processors
  3. balanced multiple processors
  4. distributed multiple processors

Computer Basics Practice Tests

Microcomputer Processor Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Microcomputer Processor App (Android & iOS)

Microcomputer Processor App (Android & iOS)

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