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MBA Cost Accounting Certification Exam Tests

MBA Cost Accounting Practice Test 195

Insourcing versus Outsourcing Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 195

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Insourcing versus Outsourcing Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 195

MCQ 971:

The cost of new machine is considered as

  1. relevant
  2. bunk
  3. dispose value
  4. sunk
MCQ 972:

If the fixed cost is $40000 and the contribution margin per unit is $800 per unit, then the breakeven of units will be

  1. 60 units
  2. 30 units
  3. 50 units
  4. 70 units
MCQ 973:

The maximum freedom for managers and minimum constraints are the main features of

  1. total autonomy
  2. total centralization
  3. total decentralization
  4. total congruency
MCQ 974:

The first step in developing an operating budget is to

  1. identify the product
  2. identify the problem
  3. identify the quartiles
  4. identify the percentiles
MCQ 975:

In regression analysis, if the predicted cost value is 65 and observed cost value is 19 then the disturbance term will be

  1. 46
  2. 56
  3. 36
  4. 76

MBA Cost Accounting Exam Prep Tests

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Insourcing versus Outsourcing App (Android & iOS)

Insourcing versus Outsourcing App (Android & iOS)

Cost Accounting App (Android & iOS)

Cost Accounting App (iOS & Android)

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