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MBA Cost Accounting Practice Tests

MBA Cost Accounting Online Tests

Process Costing System MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Process Costing System Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Process Costing System MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Cost Accounting Tests. Study Process Costing Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Process Costing System quiz answers PDF for online accounting certificate programs. The Process Costing System MCQ App Download: Free learning app for weighted average method, process costing system, transferred in costs: process costing test prep for online college courses for business management.

The MCQ: A unit cost calculated in costing system, by assigning total costs incurred to many similar units is categorized as; "Process Costing System" App Download (Free) with answers: Accounting period costing system; Process costing system; Job costing system; for online accounting certificate programs. Practice Process Costing System Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for business administration degree courses.

Process Costing System MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The total costs incur in a production process, is divided by total number of output units, to calculate the

  1. cost of indirect labor
  2. cost of direct labor
  3. cost of direct material
  4. unit costs
MCQ 2:

A unit cost calculated in costing system, by assigning total costs incurred to many similar units is categorized as

  1. accounting period costing system
  2. process costing system
  3. job costing system
  4. none of above
MCQ 3:

The first step in process costing system is to

  1. summarize flow of output
  2. compute output in units
  3. summarize total costs
  4. compute cost for each equivalent unit
MCQ 4:

The fifth step in process costing system is to

  1. allocate separable costs
  2. allocate joint costs
  3. compute gross margin
  4. assign total cost to completed units
MCQ 5:

The forth step in process costing system is to

  1. summarize total costs
  2. compute cost for each equivalent unit
  3. summarize flow of output
  4. compute output in units

MBA Cost Accounting Practice Tests

Process Costing System Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Process Costing System App (Android & iOS)

Process Costing System App (Android & iOS)

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