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MBA Cost Accounting Practice Tests

MBA Cost Accounting Online Tests

Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Cost Accounting Tests. Study Overhead Cost Variances and Management Control Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs quiz answers PDF for online accounting masters programs. The Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs MCQ App Download: Free learning app for cost variance analysis and activity based costing, fixed overhead cost variances, variable and fixed overhead costs test prep to learn online certificate courses.

The MCQ: The cost allocation base used by an operating manager is classified as; "Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs" App Download (Free) with answers: Machine hours; Flexible hours; Variable hours; Fixed hours; for online accounting masters programs. Practice Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs Quiz Questions, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for online business degree.

Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

In the budgeted fixed overhead rate, the number of machine hours are considered as

  1. denominator level
  2. numerator level
  3. fixed level
  4. variable level
MCQ 2:

The cost allocation base used by an operating manager is classified as

  1. machine hours
  2. flexible hours
  3. variable hours
  4. fixed hours
MCQ 3:

An actual quantity of cost allocation base is $56000, budgeted quantity of cost allocation base is $17000, then the variable overhead efficiency variance is

  1. $39,000
  2. $49,000
  3. $59,000
  4. $73,000
MCQ 4:

The step of installing production scheduling procedure, to improve plant operations is considered as

  1. potential cost response
  2. potential budget response
  3. potential management response
  4. potential price response
MCQ 5:

The process of ensuring preventive measure to be done in all machines is classified as

  1. potential price response
  2. potential cost response
  3. potential budget response
  4. potential management response

MBA Cost Accounting Practice Tests

Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

The App: Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs MCQs App to study Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs Textbook, Cost Accounting MCQ App, and Marketing Management MCQ App. The "Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs MCQs" App to free download Android & iOS Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs App (Android & iOS)

Variable and Fixed Overhead Costs App (Android & iOS)

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