BBA Finance Degree Courses

MBA Cost Accounting Practice Tests

MBA Cost Accounting Online Tests

Break Even Point MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Break Even Point Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Break Even Point MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Cost Accounting Tests. Learn Cost Volume Profit Analysis Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Break Even Point quiz answers PDF for bachelors in accounting online. The Break Even Point MCQ App Download: Free learning app for contribution margin versus gross margin, gross margin calculations test prep for online bachelor degree programs in business administration.

The MCQ: If break-even number of units are 120 units and the fixed cost is $62000, then the contribution margin per unit will be; "Break Even Point" App Download (Free) with answers: $74,400; $7,440,000; $516.67; $51,667; for bachelors in accounting online. Practice Break Even Point Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) to learn free online courses.

Break Even Point MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The fixed cost is divided by break-even revenues to calculate

  1. cost margin
  2. fixed margin
  3. revenue margin
  4. contribution margin
MCQ 2:

If break-even number of units are 120 units and the fixed cost is $62000, then the contribution margin per unit will be

  1. $74,400
  2. $7,440,000
  3. $516.67
  4. $51,667
MCQ 3:

If the break-even number of units are 200 units and the fixed cost is $80000, then the contribution margin per unit will be

  1. $400
  2. $600
  3. $800
  4. $1,000
MCQ 4:

At the break-even point, an operating income must be equal to

  1. $3,000
  2. $2,000
  3. $1,000
  4. zero
MCQ 5:

If the contribution margin per unit is $700 per unit and the break-even per unit is $40, then the fixed cost would be

  1. $35,000
  2. $28,000
  3. $17,500
  4. $82,000

MBA Cost Accounting Practice Tests

Break Even Point Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Break Even Point MCQs App to learn Break Even Point Textbook, Cost Accounting MCQ App, and Business Mathematics MCQ App. The "Break Even Point" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Break Even Point App (Android & iOS)

Break Even Point App (Android & iOS)

Cost Accounting App (Android & iOS)

Cost Accounting App (iOS & Android)

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