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College Biology Practice Test 233

Plants Reproduction Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 233

The e-Book Plants Reproduction Quiz Questions, plants reproduction quiz answers PDF download, chapter 16-233 to study free biology online courses. Practice Reproduction MCQ with answers PDF, plants reproduction Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Plants Reproduction Quiz App Download: Free learning app for plants reproduction, grade bilateria, animals: support and movements, ascent of sap, excretion in vertebrates test prep for best ACT prep courses online.

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Plants Reproduction Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 233

MCQ 1161: Flowering is inhibited in short-day plants and promoted in long-day plants by

A) yellow light
B) red light
C) blue light
D) white light

MCQ 1162: The sieve-like plate structure which helps in circulation water through channels is called

A) tube foot
B) channels
C) tubules
D) madreporite

MCQ 1163: Bone lighter in weight and rich in blood vessels and highly porous is

A) bone marrow
B) sponge bone
C) compact bone
D) cartilage

MCQ 1164: If the higher temperature persists for a longer period, the plant may

A) wilt
B) grow
C) flourish
D) regrow

MCQ 1165: The technique in which blood is circulated through dialyzer is known as

A) peritoneal dialysis
B) hemodialysis
C) renal dialysis
D) all of above

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

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Plants Reproduction App (Android & iOS)

Plants Reproduction App (Android & iOS)

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