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Business Mathematics Practice Test 76

How to Solve Inequalities Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 76

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The MCQ: The statement written as 'x is greater than 5 and less than 20' is represented as; "How to Solve Inequalities" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: X < 5 < 20; 5 < x < 20; 20 > x < 5; 20 < 5 < x; for best online business management degree. Practice Introduction to Applied Mathematics Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for business administration bachelor degree online.

How to Solve Inequalities MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 76

MCQ 376:

The statement written as 'x is greater than 5 and less than 20' is represented as

  1. 5 < x < 20
  2. x < 5 < 20
  3. 20 > x < 5
  4. 20 < 5 < x
MCQ 377:

The difference between per unit price and variable cost of each unit is called

  1. revenue margin
  2. price margin
  3. cost margin
  4. profit margin
MCQ 378:

The value of depreciation is calculated in the straight line method as

  1. purchase cost-salvage value⁄useful life
  2. purchase cost+salvage value⁄useful life
  3. useful life⁄purchase cost-salvage value
  4. useful life⁄purchase cost+salvage value
MCQ 379:

The plane containing the coordinate axes such as x-axis and y-axis is called

  1. Cartesian plane
  2. coordinate plane
  3. interval plane
  4. both a and b
MCQ 380:

In the linear programming, the lack of points for a solution set is said to

  1. have no feasible solution
  2. have a feasible solution
  3. have single point method
  4. have infinite point method

Business Mathematics Exam Prep Tests

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How to Solve Inequalities App (Android & iOS)

How to Solve Inequalities App (Android & iOS)

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