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IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Test 69

Eddy Currents Generators and Transformers Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 69

The Eddy Currents Generators and Transformers Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Eddy Currents Generators and Transformers Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 10-69 to prepare IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Tests. Solve Electromagnetic Induction MCQ with answers PDF, Eddy Currents Generators and Transformers Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for two year online colleges. The Eddy Currents, Generators and Transformers Quiz App Download: Free learning app for eddy currents, generators and transformers, gravitational force, atom model, centripetal force, pressure and measurement test prep for ACT test prep classes.

The Quiz: In generators, the rate of change of flux linkage is maximum when the coil is moving through the; "Eddy Currents Generators and Transformers" App Download (Free) with answers: Horizontal position; Vertical position; Diagonal position; At an angle of 45°; for two year online colleges. Learn Electromagnetic Induction Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn certification courses online.

Eddy Currents Generators and Transformers Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 69

MCQ 341:

In generators, the rate of change of flux linkage is maximum when the coil is moving through the

  1. vertical position
  2. horizontal position
  3. diagonal position
  4. at an angle of 45°
MCQ 342:

Acceleration due to gravity on moon is

  1. 9.9 ms-2
  2. 9.5 ms-2
  3. 6.1 ms-2
  4. 1.6 ms-2
MCQ 343:

Electrons move around nucleus in form of

  1. clouds
  2. dust particles
  3. steam
  4. charge
MCQ 344:

Our weight, as measured by the spring weighing machine is equivalent of

  1. The total gravitational force that Earth exerts on us
  2. The total centripetal force required to keep us moving on Earth's axis
  3. The total gravitational force that Earth exerts on us + The total centripetal force required to keep us moving on Earth's axis
  4. The total gravitational force that Earth exerts on us - The total centripetal force required to keep us moving on Earth's axis
MCQ 345:

As depth increases, pressure in a fluid

  1. increases
  2. decreases
  3. remains constant
  4. varies

IGCSE A Level Physics Exam Prep Tests

Eddy Currents Generators and Transformers Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Eddy Currents Generators and Transformers App (Android & iOS)

Eddy Currents Generators and Transformers App (Android & iOS)

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