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IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Test 97

Electrical Potential Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 97

The e-Book Electrical Potential Quiz Questions, electrical potential quiz answers PDF download, chapter 3-97 to study free igcse physics online courses. Practice AS Level Physics MCQ with answers PDF, electrical potential Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Electrical Potential Quiz App Download: Free learning app for electrical potential, electric field concept, explosions and crash landings, electric power, ideal gas equation test prep for GRE practice test.

The Quiz: Graph of potential energy against distance is; "Electrical Potential" App Download (Free) with answers parabolic, curve, hyperbolic and straight line to learn online IGCSE GCE courses. Solve as level physics questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample to learn online certificate courses.

Electrical Potential Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 97

MCQ 481: Graph of potential energy against distance is

A) curve
B) parabolic
C) hyperbolic
D) straight line

MCQ 482: At all the points the uniform fields have

A) different strength
B) same strength
C) zero strength
D) infinite strength

MCQ 483: In fireworks the momentum provided by chemicals is directed

A) upwards
B) left side
C) right side
D) downwards

MCQ 484: Grid cables are 15 km long with a resistance of 0.20 Ω km-1, powers wasted as heat in these cables are

A) 50 kW
B) 60 kW
C) 20 kW
D) 30 kW

MCQ 485: Number of moles in 1.6 kg of oxygen is

A) 30 mol
B) 50 mol
C) 40 mol
D) 60 mol

IGCSE A Level Physics Exam Prep Tests

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