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IGCSE A Level Chemistry Practice Test 92

Alkanes Reaction Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 92

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The MCQ: In combustion reactions, alkanes react with; "Alkanes Reaction" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Nitrogen; Oxygen; Water; Hydrogen; for best SAT prep courses online. Practice Hydrocarbons Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online college classes.

Alkanes Reaction MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 92

MCQ 456:

In combustion reactions, alkanes react with

  1. oxygen
  2. nitrogen
  3. water
  4. hydrogen
MCQ 457:

The body of the car is repaired with the help of a filler which is hardened by the addition of

  1. hydrogen peroxide
  2. benzyl peroxide
  3. aluminum peroxide
  4. nitrogen peroxide
MCQ 458:

Nickel is good at

  1. adsorption only
  2. chemisorptions only
  3. desorption
  4. adsorption and chemisorptions
MCQ 459:

The weak forces of attraction which exist in a molecule like Bromine are called

  1. dipole moment
  2. Van der Waals forces
  3. hydrogen bonding
  4. covalent bonding
MCQ 460:

The French scientists Lavoisier and Laplace first detected the amount of heat by using

  1. specific calorimeter
  2. ice calorimeter
  3. solute calorimeter
  4. solvent calorimeter

IGCSE A Level Chemistry Exam Prep Tests

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Alkanes Reaction App (Android & iOS)

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