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IGCSE A Level Chemistry Certification Exam Tests

IGCSE A Level Chemistry Practice Test 141

Reintroducing Amino Acids and Proteins Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 141

The e-Book Reintroducing Amino Acids and Proteins Quiz Questions, reintroducing amino acids and proteins quiz answers PDF download, chapter 7-141 to study free igcse chemistry online courses. Practice Chemistry of Life MCQ with answers PDF, reintroducing amino acids and proteins Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Reintroducing Amino Acids and Proteins Quiz App Download: Free learning app for reintroducing amino acids and proteins, acyl chlorides, electrolysis process, born haber cycle, electron pair repulsion and bond angles test prep for online college courses.

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Reintroducing Amino Acids & Proteins Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 141

MCQ 701: In cells, amino acids used to build proteins are

A) 10
B) 12
C) 20
D) 22

MCQ 702: Reaction of amines with Acyl chlorides will give off organic product as

A) unsubstituted amide
B) substituted amide
C) added amide
D) subtracted hydrogen

MCQ 703: Ions discharged in electrolysis depends on

A) relative electrode potential
B) concentration of ions
C) relative electrode charge
D) density of electrolyte

MCQ 704: A type of enthalpy cycle which is used to calculate lattice energy is

A) Hess's Law
B) Born-Haber cycle
C) Haber process
D) Contact process

MCQ 705: In water, the greater electron repulsion is in between

A) lone pair-bond pair
B) bond pair-bond pair
C) lone pair-lone pair
D) Pi-bonds

IGCSE A Level Chemistry Exam Prep Tests

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